Rare1920’s Antique Larestan Carpet in Very Good Condition
These carpets were made in the early 20th century near the weaving city of Amritsar in northern India. Many of these carpets share the same design and weaving techniques of the Persian carpets because the original carpet makers were skilled Persian immigrant carpet weavers who moved there during the 16th century and continued to make carpets in the Persian floral style, primarily Kerman, However, in 1858, the British Empire regained control of India after suppressing an Indian insurgency and took over the carpet industry from the East India Company. They expanded the carpet making industry and set up looms and carpet manufacturing under the supervision of foreign exporting companies who produced many of the other Indian type of carpets until 1947 when India won its independence from British rule. This particular piece reflects more of the Persian Kerman floral design of restrained, elegant and graceful floral sprays artfully dispersed to create a delicately balanced wisteria type of weeping displays on a deep,deep blue indigo field. Yellow, gold, Chartreuse, sapphire blues and an overall back lighting gives the impression that the rug has been strung with lights.
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