Antique Persian Koliai Rug 43″x79″ D0910
Antique Persian Koliai Rug 43″x79″ D0910
1920'- 30's tribal Kolyai  with Kurdish influence with a dominant willow tree and waterfall design woven with the deepest indigo blue, azure blue, terracotta rose and a pair of Islamic dates woven at the top.Often these dates were made up by the weaver, many of whom were not literate.    
$975.00 Add to cart
Semi-Antique Borchalu, 45″ x 65″ D0264
Semi-Antique Borchalu, 45″ x 65″ D0264
Decorum Collection:
D0264: Semi-antique Borchalu, Bozchelu,  45" x 65" Age: ca. 1930 Region of origin:  Eastern Hamadan region, of Mongol tribal descent. Borchalu is the only Hamadan village that produces curvilinear rugs. Condition/Description::  Very good with crisp vegetable dyes, and gorgeous  celedon blues and pistachio greens that are only found in old, antique rugs. The deep, almost  black, indigo in this rug is a difficult color to achieve, and only the master dyers know how to get this almost black indigo to stay and NOT fade as a fugitive dye. Dim: 45" x 65" Condition: Very good condition  with good pile overall and complete sides and borders and original kilim end. ♥  
$795.00 Add to cart
Antique Veramin, NW Persian rug, 36″x57.5″, D0174
Antique Veramin, NW Persian rug, 36″x57.5″, D0174
Antique Persian Veramin village rug, 36.5" x 57.5" Woven in a village near Teheran, this antique rug displays an overall Mina-Khani floral design.  More than 120 years old, this approximately 3'x5' piece is in very good condition and still shines as brightly as the day it was cut from the loom.
$475.00 Add to cart
Sale! Antique Malayer runner, ca. 1890, 36″x189″, D0400
Antique Malayer runner, ca. 1890, 36″x189″, D0400
Antique Malayer runner, 36"x139", D0400 Beautiful 19th cen. (ca. 1890) Malayer runner with a Bakshaish border and a herati  (fish and garden) design in the field.  This beautiful antique rug is all wool with all natural, deep-saturated dyes.  It is in very good  condition and will look wonderful in a hall, a kitchen (as shown), or alongside a main rug (in the Persian manner).
Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $1,225.00. Add to cart
Antique NW Persian, Malayer, 52″x80″, D0167
Antique NW Persian, Malayer, 52″x80″, D0167
Antique Northwest Persian  Malayer ( Malayir) Dim: 52" x 80" Fabric: Hand-spun, hand-dyed, hand-knotted,wool. Condition:  A beautiful antique Malayer (Malayir) rug in great condition with overall good low pile . NO worn spots.  All sides will be secured to make the rug floor ready. These rugs were woven in northwest Iran, adjacent to the Arak/Sarouk area.  They were known for their fine weaves and design similarities to older Sarouks, but they always were woven with the Turkish (symmetric) knot and not the Persian, asymmetric knot. This piece has beautiful blues and coral reds and displays the islimis flower, vine-like design in the spandrel corners of the rug. The borders are the typical Northwest Persian borders of the calyx and leaf design, a design which also appears in some Caucasus rugs.      
$695.00 Add to cart
Sale! Vintage NW Persian kilim,78″x45″, D0366
Vintage NW Persian kilim,78″x45″, D0366
D0366: Vintage NW Persian Shahsavan Armenian Kilim Size: 78"x45" Wool on wool in excellent condition! Note the Armenian Cross studded across the kilim and the double 'E' shamanistic symbol with sunbirds at the top and bottom of the kilim.  
Original price was: $550.00.Current price is: $495.00. Add to cart
Vintage Everu Persian Rug, 40.5″ x 67″ , D0109B
Vintage Everu Persian Rug, 40.5″ x 67″ , D0109B
Vintage Persian Everu rug from NW Persian Hamadan village D0109B DIM: 40.5" X 67" Age: Mid 20th Century Materials: Wool on cotton Condition: Excellent, with superior wool and complete sides and ends. Remarks: This hand knotted, pile rug comes from a region where the weavers use some of the finest wool and colors of Berries of Raspberries, Blueberies, orange, bright blue , turquoise, burnt orange, and ivory. These are sturdy, long wearing rugs using hand dyed wool and a prominent medallion. These are village rugs where the weaver uses her own design to execute the finished product.
$595.00 Add to cart
On Hold for RWC 19th C. Tekke, Turkmen,1870-1880, 39″x52″, (D0149) worn with great colors
On Hold for RWC 19th C. Tekke, Turkmen,1870-1880, 39″x52″, (D0149) worn with great colors
19th C. Tekke, Turkmen, 1870-1880 (D0149) , Worn with Great Colors Dim: 39"x52 " Age: 1870-1880 Condition: Good antique antique condition. Some low areas throughout, but a sturdy attractive piece with good natural dyes and fuchsine dyes only  used in the 19th Century. There are some old original repairs made by the weaver which are decades old. Remarks:  Unusual  colors from aged vegetable,  natural dyes,  and fuchine dyes. This is a tribal piece woven by a woman from the Tekke tribe who lived in Northeastern Persia from one of the nomadic Turkmen tribes. These woven pieces are known  for their fine wool and the repeatin Gul medallions that are emblematic of their tribal flags.
$350.00 Add to cart
Sale! Vintage Kashmir Isfahan Pictorial Design, Wool and Silk, 71″ x 42″, D0310
Vintage Kashmir Isfahan Pictorial Design, Wool and Silk, 71″ x 42″, D0310
Vintage Kashmir, Isfahan Pictorial Design, Wool and Silk Dimensions:  84” x 48” D0310: Vintage Kashmiri pictorial rug, with Isfahan (Persian) design. Region of Origin:  city of Srinagar and environs, Union Territory of Kashmir, India. Age and Condition:   Early to mid 1960’s.  Overall very fine condition, with good pile overall no foundation or knot nodes exposed.. Fabric and weave:  Kork/pashmina wool pile with natural silk highlights; double cotton weft.  Asymmetric (aka Persian or Sennah) knot, with an exceptionally high knot count of 576 KPSI.  The exceptional fineness of the kork wool, the sinuous wefts, and the absence of depressed knot nodes combine to give a carpet of outstanding softness and pliability.   Colors:  The color pallet, consisting of nine different shades, is soft and mellow dominated by white/ivory, shades of red, and shades of blue.
  • ivory
  • white
  • indigo: midnight blue, dark, and sky blue
  • reds: wine red, and pink
  • brown
  • russet
  • pale green
  • This rug was woven in the 1960’s, approximately twenty years after the end of the British Raj (1858-1947).  Kashmiri carpet weavers then continued the use of Persian designs, but the quality of their materials and their weaving greatly improved, as is evidenced in this rug.
  • The main feature of this rug is the depiction of a large speckled white ibis turned to its proper left, with its long sinuous neck wrapped around a water plant as it looks to a fledgling. (Ibises are an indigenous species in Kashmir; they also are to be found in the famed Isfahan bird sanctuary.)  The main field is populated with several types of flowers and leafy vines surrounding the ibis.  The multiple borders likewise display a variety of flowers, leaves and sinuous vines.
  • This is a rug of exceptional elegance and esthetic appeal. There is an interesting contrast between the soft, harmonious colors of the rug and its graceful lines, producing overall a soothing effect on the viewer, and the tension of the main figure of the rug, the ibis, which strains to find its fledgling.   Here the rug’s designer has employed a well-known technique of high artistry wherein the viewer is drawn in to understand the image:  as the figure of the ibis is not immediately apparent at first observation (it blends in with the background), the viewer must focus her attention in order to recognize what is being depicted.
Original price was: $1,995.00.Current price is: $1,495.00. Add to cart
Sale! Old Shirvan Gabristan Kuba on an Ivory Field, 32″ x 55″ D0191
Old Shirvan Gabristan Kuba on an Ivory Field, 32″ x 55″ D0191

Old Shirvan Gabristan Kuba Design, 32" x 55" , D0191

Dim: 32" x 55" Age: 1940's Origin: Central East  Caucasus, Materials: Wool pile on Wool foundation Condition: Excellent pile, no low areas, crisp, clean natural and vegetable dyes Remarks: Made in the Shirvan district of  Central Eastern Caucasus, where many rug making tribes live...Aberbaijasnis, Lezghins, Tata, Budugs, Gyryzs, and others.  The Shirvan rug district stretches between the western shores of the Caspian sea and the Kuba river to the west.   All rugs are washed with ends and sides serviced before shipping.  
Original price was: $895.00.Current price is: $695.00. Add to cart
Sale! Vintage Kurdistan  Shiskly Kazak Design. ⁰,  Kurdish region, 42.5″ x 67″ D0208
Vintage Kurdistan Shiskly Kazak Design. ⁰, Kurdish region, 42.5″ x 67″ D0208

Wonderful Vintage Kurdish Kazak  Design rug with stately Cypress trees in a sacred garden from the  Kurdistan  region.

Dimensions: 42.5" x 67"

Condition: Excellent with intact sides and ends.

Age: 1940's'50's

Remarks: A stunning piece featuring the sacred garden with a holy trees and a reflecting, calming pond.

Original price was: $975.00.Current price is: $825.00. Add to cart
Turkmen Silk/ Wool. Extremely Fine Rug 37″ by 53″
Turkmen Silk/ Wool. Extremely Fine Rug 37″ by 53″
R0071: Turkmen Silk foundation/ Wool Rug. Persian Turkmen Tribe, Northeast Persia includng adjacent Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. From the Shah Hadid design, this pretty silk foundation, kurk wool rug is finely woven by the Turkmen tribe and its design is associated with the Mauri (silk road) weavings. Great accent piece on floor or wall. Condition: Excellent pile, moss-like wool that shimmets, shorn evenly low, ends and sides are intact, with an incredibly fine, high knot count.
$625.00 Add to cart